Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More options for mind mapping

Some of the participants in my "How to Write Investment Commentary that People Will Read" presentation say that learning mind mapping is one of the best parts of the program. It makes them feel they can organize their thoughts better before sitting down to write.

I recently learned about more web-based mind mapping tools that help you create and save an electronic version of a mind map. "Map your mind 2.0" by Rafe Needleman reviews Spinscape and devotes a paragraph apiece to competitors called MeadMap, Mindomo, MindMeister, and

Needleman doesn't care for Spinscape, but he's not a fan of mind mapping. He seems to like MindMeister best.

I've written earlier about "Mindmapping for financial advisors."

Susan B. Weiner, CFA
Investment Writing
Writing that's an investment in your success

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