Saturday, April 19, 2008

Your privacy policy can become a marketing document

ING Direct's e-mail about their privacy policy made me feel good about being their customer. Why? Because they made me feel they value communicating clearly with me.

Here's how the e-mail started:
"Below is some important information that we're required to send you each year. It seems like a lot of legal stuff, but we promise, it will only take a few minutes. Give it a look."
Also, their opt-in policy made me feel that they care about me more than they care about cross-selling.
"Did you know our Privacy Policy EXCEEDS government standards? In 1999, Congress passed a law requiring financial institutions to give Customers the ability to "Opt-out" of information sharing. At ING DIRECT we went the extra mile to provide you with an "Opt-in" Privacy Policy, which means we won't share your information with any other company or partner unless you ask us to."
Are you missing marketing opportunities by writing your legally required disclosures in legalese?
Susan B. Weiner, CFA
Investment Writing
Writing that's an investment in your success

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